Jablonski 5

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Top Ten 2009 Moments

10. Thomas is potty trained! No more diapers!
9. Hannah finished 4 Harry Potter books this year. I love that she is a reader. It's so great to get lost in a fantastic story.
8. Allison is now in school full time. Kindergarten is the perfect place for her. She is starting to read small words, making friends, and having all kinds of fun new experiences.
7. Kevin has cultivated his green thumb and we are all breathing easier.
6. Hannah's piano has come along nicely. It is great to listen to her practice. She really enjoys it and is learning something that will last a lifetime.
5. Allison has broken out of her shell. She has made friends. Talked to teachers and other adults. When we go somewhere she is asking "can I go say hi to so and so" it is wonderful to see her develop her own personality.
4. Thomas loves Mrs. Prost. He and I attend parent tot preschool. He loves every minute of it, especially his teacher.
3. Kevin and I were able to get away for a week to Mexico. It was paradise. We had new adventures. We ate wonderful food. We enjoyed every second. Including coming home to hug our kiddos.
2. We have been married ten wonderful years. I look forward to many more.
1. We don't have everything we want...but we do have everything we need....Each other!