Next week I will be starting a short class called "Love and Logic". Here is what I am hoping to get out of it. 1. A way to help the kids make good choices without us 2. A way to stop the constant arguing 3. I would like to try and stop the bad attitude funk that the kids sometimes get into 4. Consequences for the kids misbehavior that are consistent and appropriate for the behavior.
Maybe I am expecting a lot. I think my kids are smart, silly and lovely. But there are times when they dig their heels in and wont listen to me. I need to regain some control and help steer them to good choices.
I have read some of the book this series is based on. One example in letting them make choices is not to battle. Tell them it's cold outside and it would be a good choice to get a coat and hat on. But then don't chase them around or nag about the coat. When they don't put it on and are cold they will learn to listen to you next time. But how would this play out with a shower? Do you let your kids go stinky??? Even when they have sensitive skin??
I am hoping this will help me make better choices with them. Less Yelling. More hugging. I hope it helps me be a better parent.